An interface between creativity and art audiences. The Artists’ Network is a virtual library which provides equal access to the artistic production of artists in the Loire region for all.
Welcome to the new website of the The Regional Artists’ Network Pays de la Loire, an innovative interface developed and produced by Antonin Faurel and Waldeck Néel.
Welcome to the new website of the The Regional Artists’ Network Pays de la Loire, an innovative interface developed and produced by Antonin Faurel and Waldeck Néel.
News : Michel Dector, Martin Barré, Eric Baudart, Stéphane Couturier, Jean Degottex, Hans Hartung, Thibault Hazelzet, Tetsumi Kudo, Anita Molinero, Léo Orta, Kimber Smith, Pablo Tomek, Gérard Zlotykamien
Photographie : Rebecca Fanuele
Photographie : Rebecca Fanuele
Exposition collective
Michel Dector, Martin Barré, Eric Baudart, Stéphane Couturier, Jean Degottex, Hans Hartung, Thibault Hazelzet, Tetsumi Kudo, Anita Molinero, Léo Orta, Kimber Smith, Pablo Tomek, Gérard Zlotykamien
Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris 05.02.25 — 01.03.25 Vernissage le 5 février de 18h à 20h
Exposition de groupe rassemblant des œuvres d'artistes aux horizons divers autour du spray-painting.