Interior with Educational Display, 2008

Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle

Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, «Interior with Educational Display», 2008, photographie : droits réservés
Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, «Interior with Educational Display», 2008, photographie : droits réservés
Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, «Interior with Educational Display», 2008, photographie : droits réservés
Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, «Interior with Educational Display», 2008, photographie : droits réservés
Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, «Interior with Educational Display», 2008, photographie : droits réservés
Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, «Interior with Educational Display», 2008, photographie : droits réservés

Interior with Educational Display, 2008

Ceramics, wood, cloth, and found objects installed on a rotating display stand with a backdrop of screens. Musée de La Roche-sur-Yon La Roche-sur-Yon

Exhibition concluding a two month residency at the École d’art municipale of La Roche Sur Yon.  The display stand and screens were borrowed from the municipal stock.